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Vj Deliria 0xa112bb26ab6b81fc77b3391adfb0258f074169aa

"420 Loop" VjDeliria Warpcast Monday Series, 4/22/2024 I did a Vj Set on Sat 4/20/24 in Brooklyn, and had a lot of fun doing audio-reactive MJ loops like this one. I can't upload HD videos to Warpcast yet, so I am minting this GIF for my Monday series. The rest of the 420 video-loops can be found on my manifold gallery linked on my site. Cheers if you are an advocate for natural medicine education on the Blockchain! All of my Monday mints are free for my followers on Warpcast. Enjoy :)

Contract Address0x26c1876a4c9a80e7c139b02b972fbfc1bfeece46

This is a Farcaster Exclusive Mint. Post this link to Farcaster to collect this mint.
This mint will be active for 24 hours from the first mint.